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  • Writer's pictureelviraberezowsky

Postcard Stories :: Chased By The Devil (Pandemic Postcard)


The devil finds work for idle hands and minds.

Wash the dishes. Mop the floor. Do the laundry. Scrub the windows. Tidy rooms. Vacuum halls. Get deep in every corner. Every crack. Every nook. Every cranny. Find the holes and the spaces we usually miss. Pull every pot and pan from the cupboard and organize. Rearrange. Move the couch. Move the bed. Wash the walls and the baseboards. Sweep the cobwebs from the corners. Get it all.


Fill the idle space as best one can before satan makes his appearance.

A push-up. A sit-up. A jog around the block. Sign up for online yoga. Maybe shadow boxing too. There’s that idea for a novel that scratched at your brain. Maybe write a memoir, or just a poem or two. Start a diary. Draw a picture. Paint a canvas. Meditate. Download twenty Kindle books. Order ten more things online.


Lucifer does enjoy a pretty face, make sure you dress for him.

Pick and preen, wax and wait. Go through your closet and see what fits. Paint your toenails. Paint your nails. Remove and repeat every day. Bangs would be cool or dye it blue. Order clippers and shave your head. Grow a moustache. Grow a beard. Play with eyeliner, play with shades. Find the new you, while in hiding

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