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  • Writer's pictureelviraberezowsky



Opening the closet, she licked her lips. She knew she shouldn’t, but the call was just too much to resist. Tiny chocolates procured by small children only entered her home once a year – for a good reason. While the kids quickly forgot about their candy, she did not, her craving for the cheap chocolate calling from her belly every time she passed their hiding spot. Reaching into the bag, she closed her eyes, the crinkling sound of wrappers shuffled about as she felt around for the peanut butter cups. Peanut butter was protein, so they were practically health food. Pulling out her bounty, she smiled at the orange packages in her palm, saliva pooling in her mouth. If she ate enough of them, this could count as lunch.


Her husband handed her the piping hot coffee cup, and she smiled, breathing in the nutty scent that rose from the rim. Sunday mornings were for sleeping in and French press coffee. In the years they had been married, this routine satisfied her in a way she couldn’t quite describe. Driving home from work on Fridays, she would find herself craving this day, her mind checking off all of the things they had to do between then and now. Kids swim lessons. Tidying the house. Dinner with family. Those were the needs; this moment was the want.


She licked the air hungrily, her eyes covered with the sleep mask. Her lover’s lips made their way across her skin, stopping between kisses to nip at her flesh and she moaned, craving more. She had given up on a visit last night, but this morning she was awoken by the most delicious caresses under the covers.

“More,” she whispered. “More.”

(c) Elvira Berezowsky

From the collection "In The Absence Of..."

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